In this issue
OMG! I forgot to send the newletter out! I sat down several time to do it but I must have seen a bright shiny object and was off and running again! So I'll make this short and sweet.....
Darcy has some really exciting events planned. Read more about it on her column below. Jean has great tips on how to prepare your backing for the longarmer.
 I've set up a Saturday class for "Tumbling Triangles" on March 11. This awesome quilt has been hanging in the store for a few days now. Come on and and see it and sign up. There is pre-cutting to do for this class so don't wait til the last minute!
Just a couple more days on the Pfaff specials. See below.
LOST AND FOUND: We have a red jacket that was left here a couple months ago. I think it may have been left after a class. If you're missing one, let us know.
Happy Sewing!
Our mission statement:
To enhance our customers' creativity by sharing expert advice and knowledge; providing tools, services, inspiration, education and by making this store a fun place to be.
Jean's Quilt Tip of the week!
After you finish the front of your quilt, it's time to get a back for it. We have several wide backs to choose from. They are 108" wide.
You can piece the back using fabric leftover from the fabrics used on the front. If you are having your quilt quilted on a long arm machine, the back needs to be larger by at least 3" all around.
Try to keep the seams toward the center of the backing, avoid putting any seams on the backing that would line up with the edges of the front. That could cause a problem when you go to put on the binding.
Horizontal seams are preferred on the long arm.
If you are doing the shop Mystery Quilt, this next step involves making the blocks. I suggest you press all the seams open. This will make nice flat seams when you go to join the blocks together.
Darcy's Corner
We're inviting you for a sweetheart of an opportunity before February even arrives. For those who have been tempted to buy Premier+ embroidery software, it's time you treat yourself! From now until Feb. 10, sign up for a personalized demonstration of Premier+ and True 3 embroidery software with me, Thursday through Saturday. Premier+ (for PC) and True 3 (for Mac) is embroidery software that expands your ability to personalize your designs and supports many file formats. By scheduling your personal demo, you'll see all the possibilities at your fingertips and figure out what product is right for you. Sign up and take advantage of a special event discount of 20% (that's up to $460 in savings!), as well as a one-on-one training session and FREE ongoing Beyond the Basics classes.
Already have Premier+ or True 3 software? Then here's your friendly reminder that each month, we have a monthly software club called Beyond the Basics! We learn how to use different wizards and new techniques, and the handouts are perfect as personal reference tools. Bring your laptop to experiment during class or watch on the big screen, whichever works for you.
Pfaff promotions
January 2017
JUKI deals!
1 - Feb 28
A BIG Hit at Quilters Headquarters!
Qnique Shortarm Quilting Machine -- a more affordable alternative
The Qnique 15 inch mid-arm has been a real hit in the store. If you thought you would never be able to afford a longarm or just don't have the space for one, this machine might be a perfect solution for you. It is a lower price and has an optional 8 foot set-up, but you're still longarming! A perfect compromise to the traditional larger machines.
15 in throat length
Built in Stitch Regulation
Industrial Grade Metal Body
Professional Quality Mechanics
Increased Top Stitching Speed
6 Easy Finger Tip Controls
With Frame $6199.90
Furniture (as seen on PBS Quilting Arts)
A must see!
You will be very surprised at how comfortable this chair is. In many colors to match your decor. The cushion lifts up to store your M&M's!
Juki Long Arm
Very affordable Art in Motion
Quilters around the world have been waiting for a specialized machine like the TL-2200QVP. Discover the impressive 18 inches of horizontal throat space between the arm of the machine and the needle.
Even more impressive is the 10 inch height, unlike most long arm quilting machines which only provide an 8 inch height or less. All this amazing capability is mounted on a deluxe 10ft Quilting Frame.
By hand or software driven the Juki TL-2200QVP is a pleasure to drive for it's smooth and solid stitching over layered fabric and paddings. Price too low to publish.
All makes and models $59.95 for Regular Domestic Machines Best price in town
Bob can repair your machine and get you back to enjoying your sewing time. He can have it done in just a couple of days. He will also provide same day service if you call ahead and let him know when you will be here. Bring in your Featherweights if you need new cords or belts.
We can quilt your quilts
...on our Gammill Statler Stitcher
As a reminder our quilting prices are as follows:
- .015/square inch for 100% edge to edge (Length times Width time .015)
- plus $1/bobbin for solid thread or $2/bobbin for variegated thread
- Quilting - $50.00 minimum
- Binding - $40 minimum
- Attach **standard binding that you have made and supplied, and machine finish so you receive a finished quilt -- $.20 per linear inch
- Make binding with fabric you supply, attach and machine finish -- $.25 per linear inch
- Attach **standard binding only for YOU to hand or machine finish -- $.075 per linear inch
- Machine finish already attached binding -- $.125 per linear inch
- **Standard binding is made from strips cut from the width or length of fabric
- Making and/or applying bias binding, binding on curves or other special applications may cost extra.
- Making the backing - $10 per seam
In this issue
I'm pretty excited about some upcoming travels that I have on the calendar. Since I've become a certified instructor for Studio 180 Design, I have been asked to do several programs for various guilds and events. So far, I'm booked in Nebraska, Colorado, and Minnesota. Pretty cool! Most of them are out long enough for me to make some more quilts to show which is half the fun!
JUKI just sent us a fabulous February promotion. Get the DX-2000 QVP or the MO-2000QVP serger and receive the luggage for free! What a cool deal. I'm letting you in on this a few days early so let me know and I'll get a bunch ordered in! As many of you know, I sew on the DX-2000 at home and absolutely love it! And Quilters Headquarters is one of the select few QVP dealers chosen by JUKI to carry the QVP products.
 Kangaroo cabinets has made some changes to the Aussie sewing cabinet so we are letting our floor model go cheap so we can bring in the new one. With assembly, the cabinet new would be $1375. We are going to let it go for $999.00 - you come get it!
Also don't forget about our Anniversary Sale that we have going on now too! Bob has sweetened the deal that Pfaff is offering. In addition to the FREE Passport with the purchase of the Sensation Pro II, our top-of-the-line embroidery machine, Bob is giving you a $2,699 discount AND One WHOLE YEAR of OESD Spree Club. Spree Club is an OESD club that includes 5 Embroidery collections (approximately 10 designs) each month already loaded on a USB stick for your machine. This is a value of $999! You are getting a $12,697 value for only $8,300!
Our most popular Pfaff embroidery machine is the Creative 4.5. Bob has discounted that an extra $599 AND One WHOLE YEAR of OESD Spree Club! A value of $8,297 for only $6,099!
This offer is good until the end of this month only. With these prices, you don't have to wait for an Embroidery Event special. You can have it now! And with 0% financing to boot! With Darcy on board as our Embroidery Educator, you can be sure you will learn and enjoy your new machine through many clubs and on-going classes!
But wait, that's not all. Many of you have admired our new Arrow sewing cabinets and the cute chairs. We are offering the Olivia cabinet and matching chair, a value of $934 for only $825. This will include free assembly and delivery within 50 miles!
For sale(by consignment): Singer Featherweight, good condition, serviced, check or cash, $150
LOST AND FOUND: We have a red jacket that was left here a couple months ago. I think it may have been left after a class. If you're missing one, let us know.
Happy Sewing!
Our mission statement:
To enhance our customers' creativity by sharing expert advice and knowledge; providing tools, services, inspiration, education and by making this store a fun place to be.
Jean's Quilt Tip of the week!
Designing Patterns and Quilts
I am excited for Lori to teach us all about EQ7. Can't wait to see what's new. I've had EQ5 for a few years and have found it easy and fun to make up my own quilt patterns. It's fun to play with the different blocks and fabric.
Another way to design quilts and blocks would be to use things you have around the house such as plates, cups and saucers. Also cookie cutters. For applique ideas, check out coloring books for very small children, they have large designs in them and maybe they would work in your project.
If you know of anyone that has been wanting to learn how to make a tshirt quilt, I am teaching a class next Wednesday the 25th. Give us a call to get signed up or go to our website calendar for more information. You can also sign up online.
If you are doing the shop Mystery Quilt, this next step involves making the blocks. I suggest you press all the seams open. This will make nice flat seams when you go to join the blocks together.
Darcy's Corner
Did you know that one cause of birdnesting can happen because of a bobbin wound too tightly? It's especially a problem when it comes to embroidery - birdnesting can throw off the entire alignment for the remainder of your project. Ask me how I learned that. While there's more than one way to get rid of these pesky birds, when all else fails - a visit to the machine doctor (Bob) doesn't hurt.
Before you even think it - YES, you are able to make a cross as detailed as this!! And the best way to learn how is to join us for the first Embroidery 101 class, February 25 at 10 am. It's easier than it looks, and you'll feel more confident with ANY freestanding projects! More info can be found in the calendar of classes.
Pfaff promotions
January 2017
JUKI deals!
1 - Feb 28
A BIG Hit at Quilters Headquarters!
Qnique Shortarm Quilting Machine -- a more affordable alternative
The Qnique 15 inch mid-arm has been a real hit in the store. If you thought you would never be able to afford a longarm or just don't have the space for one, this machine might be a perfect solution for you. It is a lower price and has an optional 8 foot set-up, but you're still longarming! A perfect compromise to the traditional larger machines.
15 in throat length
Built in Stitch Regulation
Industrial Grade Metal Body
Professional Quality Mechanics
Increased Top Stitching Speed
6 Easy Finger Tip Controls
With Frame $6199.90
Furniture (as seen on PBS Quilting Arts)
A must see!
You will be very surprised at how comfortable this chair is. In many colors to match your decor. The cushion lifts up to store your M&M's!
Juki Long Arm
Very affordable Art in Motion
Quilters around the world have been waiting for a specialized machine like the TL-2200QVP. Discover the impressive 18 inches of horizontal throat space between the arm of the machine and the needle.
Even more impressive is the 10 inch height, unlike most long arm quilting machines which only provide an 8 inch height or less. All this amazing capability is mounted on a deluxe 10ft Quilting Frame.
By hand or software driven the Juki TL-2200QVP is a pleasure to drive for it's smooth and solid stitching over layered fabric and paddings. Price too low to publish.
All makes and models $59.95 for Regular Domestic Machines Best price in town
Bob can repair your machine and get you back to enjoying your sewing time. He can have it done in just a couple of days. He will also provide same day service if you call ahead and let him know when you will be here. Bring in your Featherweights if you need new cords or belts.
We can quilt your quilts
...on our Gammill Statler Stitcher
As a reminder our quilting prices are as follows:
- .015/square inch for 100% edge to edge (Length times Width time .015)
- plus $1/bobbin for solid thread or $2/bobbin for variegated thread
- Quilting - $50.00 minimum
- Binding - $40 minimum
- Attach **standard binding that you have made and supplied, and machine finish so you receive a finished quilt -- $.20 per linear inch
- Make binding with fabric you supply, attach and machine finish -- $.25 per linear inch
- Attach **standard binding only for YOU to hand or machine finish -- $.075 per linear inch
- Machine finish already attached binding -- $.125 per linear inch
- **Standard binding is made from strips cut from the width or length of fabric
- Making and/or applying bias binding, binding on curves or other special applications may cost extra.
- Making the backing - $10 per seam
In this issue
Can you believe that we have been in our new location a whole year already? Bob says its time to celebrate! He is sweetening the pot that Pfaff is offering. In addition to the FREE Passport with the purchase of the Sensation ProII, our top-of-the-line embroidery machine, Bob is giving you a $2,699 discount AND One WHOLE YEAR of OESD Spree Club. Spree Club is an OESD club that includes 5 Embroidery collections (approximately 10 designs each) each month already loaded on a USB stick for your machine. This is a value of $999! You are getting a $12,697 value for only $8,300!
 Our most popular Pfaff embroidery machine is the Creative 4.5. Bob has discounted that an extra $599 AND One WHOLE YEAR of OESD Spree Club! A value of $8,297 for only $6,099!
This offer is good until the end of this month only. With these prices, you don't have to wait for an Embroidery Event special. You can have it now! And with 0% financing to boot! And with Darcy on board as our Embroidery Educator, you can be sure you will learn and enjoy your new machine through many clubs and on-going classes!
 But wait, that's not all. Many of you have admired our new Arrow sewing cabinets and the cute chairs. We are offering the Olivia cabinet and matching chair, a value of $934 for only $825. This will include free assembly and delivery within 50 miles!
We have a full line-up of classes on our calendar for January. For those of you anxiously awaiting the EQ7 class, I do have it scheduled. The January class will cover the basics of the application and we'll do a simple quilt design. The first EQ7 Basics class is free for those who purchase the software from QHQ. If you don't own EQ7 yet, feel free to come to this class to observe. Bring your laptop and we can load a classroom version for this one class only, but you must come in a few days ahead of class to get it loaded. Please call ahead to set up a time for this.
LOST AND FOUND: We have a red jacket that was left here a couple months ago. I think it may have been left after a class. If you're missing one, let us know.
Happy Sewing!
Our mission statement:
To enhance our customers' creativity by sharing expert advice and knowledge; providing tools, services, inspiration, education and by making this store a fun place to be.
Jean's Quilt Tip of the week!
I have taken a photo of every quilt and almost every project I have ever made.
Some are in a photo album and the rest are on my computer, waiting to be printed off and entered into a three ring binder or photo album.
I try to put a label on all of my quilts with at least my name and the year I made it
When you take pictures of quilts outdoors, try to lay them flat so it's not waving in the wind.
You could lay them down on a tarp or a drop cloth of some kind. I have even gotten a ladder out to get above it.
If you are having trouble with the tension on your sewing machine, another thing you could check is your bobbin. If it isn't wound correctly, it could cause problems.
Make sure when you wind it, that it goes through the tension device properly.
Darcy's Corner
2017: Learning from my mishaps
I don't know about you, but I've bored MYSELF with all this talk about upcoming classes these last few weeks! I've been holding onto a wonderful tip for a while that I've been waiting so long to share with you.
Tension is a never-ending battle when it comes to sewing in general, but if issues come up with embroidery, they're especially noticeable. On my current quilt project, I was *really* struggling with my bobbin showing. Since I was committed at this point, I had to solve it after the fact...with a Sharpie! (How I found a Sharpie the exact color is a miracle.)
Then I promptly changed my bobbin to black. I make the mistakes so you don't, right?
As always, check our Facebook for what we've been up to - we have an incredible deal on our best embroidery machines, new kits, upcoming classes, and so much more!
Pfaff promotions
January 2017
A BIG Hit at Quilters Headquarters!
Qnique Shortarm Quilting Machine -- a more affordable alternative
The Qnique 15 inch mid-arm has been a real hit in the store. If you thought you would never be able to afford a longarm or just don't have the space for one, this machine might be a perfect solution for you. It is a lower price and has an optional 8 foot set-up, but you're still longarming! A perfect compromise to the traditional larger machines.
15 in throat length
Built in Stitch Regulation
Industrial Grade Metal Body
Professional Quality Mechanics
Increased Top Stitching Speed
6 Easy Finger Tip Controls
With Frame $6199.90
Furniture (as seen on PBS Quilting Arts)
A must see!
You will be very surprised at how comfortable this chair is. In many colors to match your decor. The cushion lifts up to store your M&M's!
Juki Long Arm
Very affordable Art in Motion
Quilters around the world have been waiting for a specialized machine like the TL-2200QVP. Discover the impressive 18 inches of horizontal throat space between the arm of the machine and the needle.
Even more impressive is the 10 inch height, unlike most long arm quilting machines which only provide an 8 inch height or less. All this amazing capability is mounted on a deluxe 10ft Quilting Frame.
By hand or software driven the Juki TL-2200QVP is a pleasure to drive for it's smooth and solid stitching over layered fabric and paddings. Price too low to publish.
All makes and models $59.95 for Regular Domestic Machines Best price in town
Bob can repair your machine and get you back to enjoying your sewing time. He can have it done in just a couple of days. He will also provide same day service if you call ahead and let him know when you will be here. Bring in your Featherweights if you need new cords or belts.
We can quilt your quilts
...on our Gammill Statler Stitcher
As a reminder our quilting prices are as follows:
- .015/square inch for 100% edge to edge (Length times Width time .015)
- plus $1/bobbin for solid thread or $2/bobbin for variegated thread
- Quilting - $50.00 minimum
- Binding - $40 minimum
- Attach **standard binding that you have made and supplied, and machine finish so you receive a finished quilt -- $.20 per linear inch
- Make binding with fabric you supply, attach and machine finish -- $.25 per linear inch
- Attach **standard binding only for YOU to hand or machine finish -- $.075 per linear inch
- Machine finish already attached binding -- $.125 per linear inch
- **Standard binding is made from strips cut from the width or length of fabric
- Making and/or applying bias binding, binding on curves or other special applications may cost extra.
- Making the backing - $10 per seam
Jan 5th 2017 Newsletter |
In this issue
We have a full line-up of classes on our calendar for January. For those of you anxiously awaiting the EQ7 class, I do have it scheduled. The January class will cover the basics of the application and we'll do a simple quilt design. The first EQ7 Basics class is free for those who purchase the software from QHQ. If you don't own EQ7 yet, feel free to come to this class to observe. Bring your laptop and we can load a classroom version for this one class only, but you must come in a few days ahead of class to get it loaded. Please call ahead to set up a time for this.
I just finished a new quilt by Wing and a Prayer designs that is really pretty. Jean quilted and bound it for me and we have kits ready to go.
Pfaff has a bunch of new promotions for the month of January. See below.
LOST AND FOUND: We have a red jacket that was left here a couple months ago. I think it may have been left after a class. If you're missing one, let us know.
Happy Sewing!
Our mission statement:
To enhance our customers' creativity by sharing expert advice and knowledge; providing tools, services, inspiration, education and by making this store a fun place to be.
Jean's Quilt Tip of the week!
If you are using water soluble markers, use plain water to rinse it out and do so as soon as possible. Ironing and some soaps can set the color in.
When you are piecing your blocks be careful with the pressing, especially on the bias, don't use steam until you are all done with the block. Press the seams by picking up the iron putting down without sliding so avoid stretching. When you are done with the block use steam with caution.
Darcy's Corner
No rest for the wickedly sewing like crazy
Where did 2016 go, I'm not ready for all this 2017 stuff! But that's no excuse - I've got classes to schedule and samples to make.
The first installment of Embroidery 101 is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 25, at 10 am. For those who want to learn your embroidery machine, what stabilizers to use for which project, and mastering techniques, this is the class for you - and you don't have to be a beginner. The first class is covering freestanding lace, but has applique elements as well. If you come into the store, you'll see me working on a sample that uses both and is going to be SPECTACULAR!
In addition, Tea Towel Tuesday is back! Not only will we embroider the designs, but I'll show you how you can make your own designs from home.
Finally, the biggest project on my plate...stay tuned for dates.
Pfaff promotions
January 2017
A BIG Hit at Quilters Headquarters!
Qnique Shortarm Quilting Machine -- a more affordable alternative
The Qnique 15 inch mid-arm has been a real hit in the store. If you thought you would never be able to afford a longarm or just don't have the space for one, this machine might be a perfect solution for you. It is a lower price and has an optional 8 foot set-up, but you're still longarming! A perfect compromise to the traditional larger machines.
15 in throat length
Built in Stitch Regulation
Industrial Grade Metal Body
Professional Quality Mechanics
Increased Top Stitching Speed
6 Easy Finger Tip Controls
With Frame $6199.90
Furniture (as seen on PBS Quilting Arts)
A must see!
You will be very surprised at how comfortable this chair is. In many colors to match your decor. The cushion lifts up to store your M&M's!
Juki Long Arm
Very affordable Art in Motion
Quilters around the world have been waiting for a specialized machine like the TL-2200QVP. Discover the impressive 18 inches of horizontal throat space between the arm of the machine and the needle.
Even more impressive is the 10 inch height, unlike most long arm quilting machines which only provide an 8 inch height or less. All this amazing capability is mounted on a deluxe 10ft Quilting Frame.
By hand or software driven the Juki TL-2200QVP is a pleasure to drive for it's smooth and solid stitching over layered fabric and paddings. Price too low to publish.
All makes and models $59.95 for Regular Domestic Machines Best price in town
Bob can repair your machine and get you back to enjoying your sewing time. He can have it done in just a couple of days. He will also provide same day service if you call ahead and let him know when you will be here. Bring in your Featherweights if you need new cords or belts.
We can quilt your quilts
...on our Gammill Statler Stitcher
As a reminder our quilting prices are as follows:
- .015/square inch for 100% edge to edge (Length times Width time .015)
- plus $1/bobbin for solid thread or $2/bobbin for variegated thread
- Quilting - $50.00 minimum
- Binding - $40 minimum
- Attach **standard binding that you have made and supplied, and machine finish so you receive a finished quilt -- $.20 per linear inch
- Make binding with fabric you supply, attach and machine finish -- $.25 per linear inch
- Attach **standard binding only for YOU to hand or machine finish -- $.075 per linear inch
- Machine finish already attached binding -- $.125 per linear inch
- **Standard binding is made from strips cut from the width or length of fabric
- Making and/or applying bias binding, binding on curves or other special applications may cost extra.
- Making the backing - $10 per seam
In this issue
We it looks like today might be a good day to mention our inclement weather policy again. The best bet is to call first. (605-334-1611) I'm a firm believer of not being out on the roads in bad weather. I don't want to do it and I don't expect my employees to either. That said, I have a few employees that don't stress over it or live close enough that they would be here. Bob and I live out of town so we likely won't venture out if the roads are bad. So call first before venturing out.
Tis the season for sales and shopping. If you've been following our emails and Pfaff emails, you know that Pfaff is offering 25% off machines and Premier+ embroidery software until the end of November. So don't wait, hurry on in to Quilters Headquarters and get one of the best sewing machines on the market at a great price! I think this is the biggest discount I've ever seen Pfaff offer. Along with that is 0% financing on purchases over $3,000.
We've already had a few husbands and children come in and do their shopping. If you have something specific on your wish list, be sure to let us know! We can keep your wish list in our notebook and know just what to suggest!
Check out our Black Friday sale below - sewing machines, longarms, embroidery designs and 0% finance options too!
In addition, Quilters Headquarters is able to offer 60 months free financing for anything in the store. But don't hesitate. This offer ends November 19. And don't forget, at Quilters Headquarters, you get free lifetime training on your machine!
I know many of you are busy making Christmas projects and presents. Darcy has embroidered some really cute gift card holders. 
Be sure to read Jean and Darcy's columns below. Jean has tips on cutting and matching fabrics and Darcy has set up her software classes that you don't want to miss!
The holidays are upon us. Don't forget we have FREE Open Sewing every Monday now. Get away from the laundry and interuptions and come sew with friends! Get those Christmas gifts done!
Happy Sewing!
Black Friday (and Saturday) Sale
Jean's Quilt Tip of the week!
How to cut a 8" strip with a 6" ruler.
Use two rulers, put the first on on the edge with the 2" you need and put the 6" ruler right up against it. Line the 6" ruler on the fold and cut. This works for any size strip you want, you just need to do the math adding the rulers together where needed to get the size you want.
How to match two fabric pieces, when there is a definite design and you need a larger size such as for a backing.
Fold the piece you want to add at a place that will line up with the piece you are connecting it to.
and press the fold.
Run a glue stick near the fold
place the glue side down on the fabric you are joining it to, lining up and matching the design
open it up, stitch on the fold, trim the 1/4" seam allowance
You'll barely see where it was joined
Darcy's Corner
The holidays are around the corner, which means 1) Happy Birthday Mom and Dad! and 2) we have good news to share!
Starting December, I am teaching software classes! Dec. 2nd & 16th is Beyond the Basics with Premier+ (Windows) and Tru3 (Mac) embroidery software. Each month you'll learn new techniques, and we have two sessions scheduled so you can choose between a morning or afternoon class. We also have a class for QuiltDesign Creator, which will be on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Each class is only $10, but if you sign up with us for a full year, it's only $80 (that's 4 months free!). We have even more incentives included, so make sure to check out the full class descriptions in the calendar below.
Also: Need a project to keep yourself warm? We now have in stock some popular OESD embroidery designs, so come in and check them out!
Pfaff promotions for November
A BIG Hit at Quilters Headquarters!
Qnique Shortarm Quilting Machine -- a more affordable alternative
The Qnique 15 inch mid-arm has been a real hit in the store. If you thought you would never be able to afford a longarm or just don't have the space for one, this machine might be a perfect solution for you. It is a lower price and has an optional 8 foot set-up, but you're still longarming! A perfect compromise to the traditional larger machines.
15 in throat length
Built in Stitch Regulation
Industrial Grade Metal Body
Professional Quality Mechanics
Increased Top Stitching Speed
6 Easy Finger Tip Controls
With Frame $6199.90
Furniture (as seen on PBS Quilting Arts)
A must see!
You will be very surprised at how comfortable this chair is. In many colors to match your decor. The cushion lifts up to store your M&M's!
Juki Long Arm
Very affordable Art in Motion
Quilters around the world have been waiting for a specialized machine like the TL-2200QVP. Discover the impressive 18 inches of horizontal throat space between the arm of the machine and the needle.
Even more impressive is the 10 inch height, unlike most long arm quilting machines which only provide an 8 inch height or less. All this amazing capability is mounted on a deluxe 10ft Quilting Frame.
By hand or software driven the Juki TL-2200QVP is a pleasure to drive for it's smooth and solid stitching over layered fabric and paddings. Price too low to publish.
All makes and models $59.95 for Regular Domestic Machines Best price in town
Bob can repair your machine and get you back to enjoying your sewing time. He can have it done in just a couple of days. He will also provide same day service if you call ahead and let him know when you will be here. Bring in your Featherweights if you need new cords or belts.
We can quilt your quilts
...on our Gammill Statler Stitcher
As a reminder our quilting prices are as follows:
- .015/square inch for 100% edge to edge (Length times Width time .015)
- plus $1/bobbin for solid thread or $2/bobbin for variegated thread
- Quilting - $50.00 minimum
- Binding - $40 minimum
- Attach **standard binding that you have made and supplied, and machine finish so you receive a finished quilt -- $.20 per linear inch
- Make binding with fabric you supply, attach and machine finish -- $.25 per linear inch
- Attach **standard binding only for YOU to hand or machine finish -- $.075 per linear inch
- Machine finish already attached binding -- $.125 per linear inch
- **Standard binding is made from strips cut from the width or length of fabric
- Making and/or applying bias binding, binding on curves or other special applications may cost extra.
- Making the backing - $10 per seam
In this issue
We're back from Quilt Market! We had a lot of fun and got a lot of new ideas for projects. I am working on a new Block of the Month quilt that will be sure to be popular. And Jean doesn't know it yet, but she'll be getting a new mystery quilt ready soon too. I also am bringing in a new laser cutter so I'll let you know when it gets here. And lots of new patterns that we are going to try out. We spent a lot of time in classes but its always good to be home. We drove through blizzards in Wyoming and in Yellowstone Park. That was fun too!
Jean will be demonstrating mitered borders at 2:00PM this Saturday for our free demo. Come in and see how to make a perfect miter.
We've scheduled an Open Sew day this Saturday, May 28, 9:30 - 4:00. Its Memorial weekend and I know a lot of people are out of the area, but for those of you who are planning on staying home and sewing, please come in and sew with us! We would love to have you!
We will be closed Sunday and Monday, May 29 & 30 for the Memorial holiday.
I'm starting a new Beginner Quilt class on June 14. It will run for 5 weeks on Tuesday nights. Check it out on our on-line calendar for details.
Row by Row is ready to go for the summer shop hop. This year's theme is "Home Sweet Home". We are working on making kits. The shop hop begins June 21.
Our license plates are in. Also we have the Row By Row fabric.
We have been carrying the Happy Multi needle embroidery machines for not quite a year now and Bob and I decided to discontinue them. They are beautiful, wonderful machines but it seems there isn't a lot of demand among our home embroiders so we are letting them go almost at cost. We have two left, a 7 needle and a 12 needle. Neither one has been used at all. So if you are interested, come on in and discuss with us.
May specials are out for Pfaff. See below.
Happy Sewing!
Jean's Quilt Tip of the week!
First I want to thank you for all the wonderful comments on my binding video. All the responses have been overwhelming. We might have to make another one sometime.
My tip this week is to use your camera for another eye on your finished quilt top.
Most of us have phones with a camera on them. When you look at the picture of your top on the phone or camera, it looks just enough different that you can see if you like the layout or if a piece is out of place.
Pfaff Promotions May
48 Months Financing on creative sensation™ pro II
Valid May 1 - May 22, 2016
The creative sensation™ pro II sewing and embroidery machine is the latest evolution of PFAFF®'s advanced technology. From May 1 until May 22, take advantage of our 48 month 0% financing on this extraordinary machine.
New furniture
A must see!
You will be very surprised at how comfortable this chair is. In many colors to match your decor. The cushion lifts up to store your M&M's!
Happy Embroidery Machines
Happy Journey
Are you tired of changing threads on your embroidery machine? You truly can load your design and threads and walk away.
Would you like to be able to embroider on jeans without cutting open a seam? Embroider on caps, golf bags, luggage, lawn chairs, jackets, shoes, boots and more.
You can do all of these things on our new machine for the same price as a single needle embroidery machine.
Our introductory offer includes shipping, set up and training.
Stop in and see this awesome machine.
Juki Long Arm
Very affordable Art in Motion
Quilters around the world have been waiting for a specialized machine like the TL-2200QVP. Discover the impressive 18 inches of horizontal throat space between the arm of the machine and the needle.
Even more impressive is the 10 inch height, unlike most long arm quilting machines which only provide an 8 inch height or less. All this amazing capability is mounted on a deluxe 10ft Quilting Frame.
By hand or software driven the Juki TL-2200QVP is a pleasure to drive for it's smooth and solid stitching over layered fabric and paddings. Price to low to publish.
Regulate any longarm or midarm
Stop in for our special pricing thru the rest of May.
See video here
All makes and models $59.95 for Regular Domestic Machines Best price in town
Bob can repair your machine and get you back to enjoying your sewing time. He can have it done in just a couple of days. He will also provide same day service if you call ahead and let him know when you will be here. Bring in your Featherweights if you need new cords or belts.
We can quilt your quilts
...on our Gammill Statler Stitcher
Ask about the new modern designs.
As a reminder our quilting prices are as follows:
- .015/square inch for 100% edge to edge (Length times Width time .015)
- .03/square inch for modified custom
- plus $1/bobbin for solid thread or $2/bobbin for variegated thread
- Quilting - $50.00 minimum
- Binding - $40 minimum
- Attach **standard binding that you have made and supplied, and machine finish so you receive a finished quilt -- $.20 per linear inch
- Make binding with fabric you supply, attach and machine finish -- $.25 per linear inch
- Attach **standard binding only for YOU to hand or machine finish -- $.075 per linear inch
- Machine finish already attached binding -- $.125 per linear inch
- **Standard binding is made from strips cut from the width or length of fabric
- Making and/or applying bias binding, binding on curves or other special applications may cost extra.
- Making the backing - $10 per seam
Jean is turning out quilts every day. She will also do modified custom quilting for you. For .03/square inch she will do your borders separate with a pretty border pattern and edge to edge on the body of the quilt.
In this issue
Only 14 more days til Christmas! Remember your quilting friends this year with gift cards from Quilters Headquarters. Our gift cards have no expiration date. You can apply them to anything in the store so make sure your loved ones know that a gift card from QHQ is on your wish list too!
We also have a lot of new books and precuts just in for your secret pal! One of Jean's and my  f avorite books is the new "Big Book of Scrappy Quilts". You'll be seeing me make a few quilts from this book. What a great gift this would be! We will gift wrap for you too!
I still can't spill the beans on our new location yet but I did go pick out carpet yesterday!
You can peek ahead at the classes I have on our calendar for next year. I don't have all of them on-line yet but I'm getting there! We are planning our gorgeous Gravity BOM, Pre-cut Saturdays, Open Sewing days, Software classes, and Jean has the next mystery quilt ready to go! Also, our next DIME event is scheduled for April. Whew! I can't wait til we move!
We are considering being open on Sundays from noon to 4:00 in our new location. I would love it if you would shoot me an email and let me know if you would like Sunday hours. I know that our Sunday classes have been received very positively so far so please let me know what you think. I appreciate your feedback.
Happy Sewing!
Jean's Quilt Tip of the week!
Back to Basics - Rotary Cutting
Always take care when using your rotary cutter. The blades are razor sharp. Get into the habit of locking the blade after each cut. Especially if you have children in the house that might pick it up.
Before cutting your strips, you'll need to make sure the fabric is folded straight. When I bring my fabric home, a lot of times I will press it by opening it and refolding it in half selvage to selvage.
When you are ready to cut it, place the ruler along the right side of the fabric with a horizontal line marked on the ruler along the fold.
Hold the ruler firmly with your left hand. Keeping the blade against the edge of the ruler, push the cutter away from your body, never cut towards you.
It is a good idea to check that you are still cutting at a right angle after every four or five cuts. If you start cutting away from the right angle you will find a V-shape in your strip when you open it up.
P.S. Remember friends don't let friends buy sewing machines online or at big box stores. Come and see us, we will get you started on a great machine
Support your local quilt shop. Before you order on line, check with us. If we don't have it, we can probably get it for you within a week and you won't have to pay shipping.
Leah shares
Thoughts from a new quilter
Finally I have all my blocks done. After some deliberation I, with the help of Mom and Bob, arranged the blocks so that the sashing can be the next step. I am very happy to see all my hard work put together, into one piece. I think it will turn out great, maybe not a perfect square, but hey its only my first quilt right?
Gravity Block of the Month 2016
Begins January 2016, second Saturday of each month
This is an awesome quilt, 96" x 97". We have it hanging in the shop for you to see in person. We will run this BOM for 11 months starting in January. The kit itself is $215 but we are going to break it up for you into $20/month for 11 months. In the first month, you will also need the Super Sidekick ruler from Jaybird quilts and the second month you will need the Hex n More ruler. If you purchase the first ruler from us and sign up for the BOM, we will give you the Hex n More ruler for free. I would rate this quilt as intermediate as it does have some challenges. We will have this as a classroom setting so you can come in and sew each month with Lori as the instructor. January will be in the Mac Pros classrom (but tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Saturday) and after that we should be in our new location on the second Saturdays of every month.
Happy Embroidery Machines
Happy Journey
Are you tired of changing threads on your embroidery machine? You truly can load your design and threads and walk away.
Would you like to be able to embroider on jeans without cutting open a seam? Embroider on caps, golf bags, luggage, lawn chairs, jackets, shoes, boots and more.
You can do all of these things on our new machine for the same price as a single needle embroidery machine.
Our introductory offer includes shipping, set up and training.
Stop in and see this awesome machine.
Juki Long Arm
Very affordable Art in Motion
Quilters around the world have been waiting for a specialized machine like the TL-2200QVP. Discover the impressive 18 inches of horizontal throat space between the arm of the machine and the needle.
Even more impressive is the 10 inch height, unlike most long arm quilting machines which only provide an 8 inch height or less. All this amazing capability is mounted on a deluxe 10ft Quilting Frame.
By hand or software driven the Juki TL-2200QVP is a pleasure to drive for it's smooth and solid stitching over layered fabric and paddings. Price to low to publish.
Pfaff Promotions for December
Regulate any longarm or midarm
Stop in for our special pricing thru the rest of May.
See video here
All makes and models $59.95 for Regular Domestic Machines Best price in town
Bob can repair your machine and get you back to enjoying your sewing time. He can have it done in just a couple of days. He will also provide same day service if you call ahead and let him know when you will be here. Bring in your Featherweights if you need new cords or belts.
We can quilt your quilts
...on our Gammill Statler Stitcher
Ask about the new modern designs.
As a reminder our quilting prices are as follows:
- .015/square inch for 100% edge to edge (Length times Width time .015)
- .03/square inch for modified custom
- plus $1/bobbin for solid thread or $2/bobbin for variegated thread
- Binding - $40 minimum
- Attach **standard binding that you have made and supplied, and machine finish so you receive a finished quilt -- $.20 per linear inch
- Make binding with fabric you supply, attach and machine finish -- $.25 per linear inch
- Attach **standard binding only for YOU to hand or machine finish -- $.075 per linear inch
- Machine finish already attached binding -- $.125 per linear inch
- **Standard binding is made from strips cut from the width or length of fabric
- Making and/or applying bias binding, binding on curves or other special applications may cost extra.
- Making the backing - $10 per seam
Jean is turning out quilts every day. She will also do modified custom quilting for you. For .03/square inch she will do your borders separate with a pretty border pattern and edge to edge on the body of the quilt. Our turn-around time is approximately four weeks right now.
All premium cotton quilting fabric $8/yard
Minimum 1 yard cuts
At Quilters Headquarters, we want to make your love of quilting not only fun but affordable. Our fabric is and always will be premium first quality 100% cotton fabric. We offer mostly blenders. Blenders are fabrics that are shades of one or two colors and "blend" well with other lines of fabrics. We carry an infinite rainbow of colors that will blend with any project you are working on. Unlike specific lines of fabric that are only printed once, blenders are often re-orderable. All of our premium cotton quilting fabrics will be $8/yard with a minimum one yard cut. This includes flannels. We will maintain this price as long as the price of cotton doesn't jump again!
We also offer a discount on batik fabrics when you get a one yard minimum. For and cut of a yard or more, you pay only $11.50 per yard.
In this issue
This is such a busy season and I hope all of you are enjoying the season and not stressing out! Remember its time for family and fun, not stress!
I want to let you all know that we are letting Bob get back to retirement part-time. Our original goal was that he would help me start this business and then step back into retirement. Well its been five years now and we still need him part time to fix machines. He will be here on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays to repair machines. So those will be the only days available for same day service. You can still drop off and pick up during any store hours.
We are working on our 2016 schedule and I think you are all going to love our new large classroom in our new large space. We are much closer to closing the deal but I still can't say where til all the papers are signed, but I'm feeling pretty confident at this point that we will start moving in February. I am so looking forward to a bigger space!
Jean is all ready for our next mystery quilt. We will start in January.
Our Gravity Block of the Month has a huge following and is going to be a lot of fun. I will be making another Gravity quilt myself along with the group. I believe I have kits for about 5 or so more people. Feel free to stop in and see the quilt hanging in the store. Some people are going to put borders on it to make it a little bigger.
We are having a lot of fun with our Happy 7-needle embroidery machine. Check out the details below. If you love to embroider this is an awesome machine at about half the price of a single needle sewing/embroidery machine and twice the speed. You can be sewing and embroidering at the same time and not jumping up all the time to change thread colors.
Happy Sewing!
Jean's Quilt Tip of the week!
More about borders
Whenever possible purchase enough fabric to cut borders on the lengthwise grain (parallel to the selvage edge).
It is the strongest grain and will help to prevent stretching and fullness along the outer edges of the quilt. If you have to piece your borders there is a couple of ways to do that.
You can
sew your strips together with a 45 degree angled seam or a straight seam. Some say the diagonal seam will be less noticeable than a straight seam. Others say the diagonal stands out and is more noticeable. I think it depends on the fabric. The diagonal seam will use more fabric. Sometimes you want to match the fabric pattern. It's fun to find a border print and miter the corner on the border. My border seams are all pressed open to avoid thickness.
Support your local quilt shop. Before you order on line, check with us. If we don't have it, we can probably get it for you within a week and you won't have to pay shipping.
Leah shares
Thoughts from a new quilter
I hope everyone had a great & relaxing Thanksgiving. Can you believe the year is almost over? My quilt is not quite done. I have begun to sew the sashing to the blocks. My Mom was very adamant about me finishing my Sunbonnet Sue. Surprisingly, it turned out great!! She will be the main square in my quilt. I really wanted to personalize my quilt to fit me to a T. So I gave Sunbonnet Sue a unique look...Meet Nurse Sunbonnet Sue!!
Happy Embroidery Machines
Happy Journey
Are you tired of changing threads on your embroidery machine? You truly can load your design and threads and walk away.
Would you like to be able to embroider on jeans without cutting open a seam? Embroider on caps, golf bags, luggage, lawn chairs, jackets, shoes, boots and more.
You can do all of these things on our new machine for the same price as a single needle embroidery machine.
Our introductory offer includes shipping, set up and training.
Stop in and see this awesome machine.
Juki Long Arm
Very affordable Art in Motion
Quilters around the world have been waiting for a specialized machine like the TL-2200QVP. Discover the impressive 18 inches of horizontal throat space between the arm of the machine and the needle.
Even more impressive is the 10 inch height, unlike most long arm quilting machines which only provide an 8 inch height or less. All this amazing capability is mounted on a deluxe 10ft Quilting Frame.
By hand or software driven the Juki TL-2200QVP is a pleasure to drive for it's smooth and solid stitching over layered fabric and paddings. Price to low to publish.
Gravity Block of the Month 2016
Begins January 2016, second Saturday of each month
This is an awesome quilt, 96" x 97". We have it hanging in the shop for you to see in person. We will run this BOM for 11 months starting in January. The kit itself is $215 but we are going to break it up for you into $20/month for 11 months. In the first month, you will also need the Super Sidekick ruler from Jaybird quilts and the second month you will need the Hex n More ruler. If you purchase the first ruler from us and sign up for the BOM, we will give you the Hex n More ruler for free. I would rate this quilt as intermediate as it does have some challenges. We will have this as a classroom setting so you can come in and sew each month with Lori as the instructor. January will be in the Mac Pros classrom (but tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Saturday) and after that we should be in our new location on the second Saturdays of every month.
Pfaff Promotions for December
Regulate any longarm or midarm
Stop in for our special pricing thru the rest of May.
See video here
All makes and models $59.95 for Regular Domestic Machines Best price in town
Bob can repair your machine and get you back to enjoying your sewing time. He can have it done in just a couple of days. He will also provide same day service if you call ahead and let him know when you will be here. Bring in your Featherweights if you need new cords or belts.
We can quilt your quilts
...on our Gammill Statler Stitcher
Ask about the new modern designs.
As a reminder our quilting prices are as follows:
- .015/square inch for 100% edge to edge (Length times Width time .015)
- .03/square inch for modified custom
- plus $1/bobbin for solid thread or $2/bobbin for variegated thread
- Binding - $40 minimum
- Attach **standard binding that you have made and supplied, and machine finish so you receive a finished quilt -- $.20 per linear inch
- Make binding with fabric you supply, attach and machine finish -- $.25 per linear inch
- Attach **standard binding only for YOU to hand or machine finish -- $.075 per linear inch
- Machine finish already attached binding -- $.125 per linear inch
- **Standard binding is made from strips cut from the width or length of fabric
- Making and/or applying bias binding, binding on curves or other special applications may cost extra.
- Making the backing - $10 per seam
Jean is turning out quilts every day. She will also do modified custom quilting for you. For .03/square inch she will do your borders separate with a pretty border pattern and edge to edge on the body of the quilt. Our turn-around time is approximately four weeks right now.
All premium cotton quilting fabric $8/yard
Minimum 1 yard cuts
At Quilters Headquarters, we want to make your love of quilting not only fun but affordable. Our fabric is and always will be premium first quality 100% cotton fabric. We offer mostly blenders. Blenders are fabrics that are shades of one or two colors and "blend" well with other lines of fabrics. We carry an infinite rainbow of colors that will blend with any project you are working on. Unlike specific lines of fabric that are only printed once, blenders are often re-orderable. All of our premium cotton quilting fabrics will be $8/yard with a minimum one yard cut. This includes flannels. We will maintain this price as long as the price of cotton doesn't jump again!
We also offer a discount on batik fabrics when you get a one yard minimum. For and cut of a yard or more, you pay only $11.50 per yard.